
50 Ltr & 200 Ltr


(Soft Film, Solvent Deposited, Type Corrosion Preventives)

These are soft film, solvent deposited, corrosion preventives. These fluids can be applied to the product; leaving a protective film. All these fluids have excellent spreading and they can be applied either by dipping or by spraying.

The protective films of all these grades can be removed by wiping off with rags/waste soaked in kerosene/mineral turpentine or by alkaline degreasents or solvent degreasing methods. RPO comply to IS: 1154 specifications.


  • These are thin film type corrosion preventives.
  • Protection of tools, fasteners which have high degree of finish

Method of Application

This grade offers a soft, tacky, oily film of good mechanical strength which can withstand subsequent handling. The product has wide application for protection of components with high degree of finish, in machine shops and heavy machinery and plant manufacture – e.g. tools, fasteners, strips, etc.

It has excellent resistance to salt spray and hence can be applied on components to be freighted by sea. These are thin film type corrosion preventives.

RPO – leaves soft oily films and is recommended for protection of tools, fasteners which have high degree of finish